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Richard was born in Berkshire in the South East of the UK. After completing a degree in Psychology at the University of Leicester he undertook a 6 month backpacking trip which included a month in China. This time sparked an interest in China’s history, language and culture and upon returning to the UK he began studying Mandarin and moved to Beijing in 2011 where he lived until December 2018.

During his time in China he ran a school during the day and worked as musician at night playing, over 500 shows. Alongside these ventures he worked a freelance tour guide, writer and interpreter, and passed the HSK 5 test (6 is on the horizon). After 7 years in Beijing some say that he speaks with a slight Beijing twang to accompany his craving for zhajiangmian.

Having lived in China for over 7 years Richard has travelled extensively throughout the middle kingdom and beyond. Culminating in a year long trip that took him from Japan’s frozen north, across China and onto the far reaches of the former Soviet Union.  

Now living in London, Richard is excited to show people what this incredible city has to offer.

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